Need your wifi info? There is a Powershell script for that.
I spent some time cleaning up my laptop the other day which included removing unused programs and files. It then hit me that I probably had a bunch of wifi profiles that I don't need anymore so I thought about writing a script to call the netsh command to output this info. After working on this for about an hour and finally having a crude Powershell command that did output me this info I did a search and sure enough someone else had already wrote on. Anyways, here is the command I came up with and a link to the script I found. PS C:\Windows\system32> netsh wlan show profiles | Select-String -Pattern "All User Profile" | ForEach-Object {$_.ToString()} | ForEach-Object {$_.Replace(" All User Profile : ",$null)} | ForEach-Object {netsh wlan show profile name=$_ key=clear} | Format-List Profile Wireless1 on interface Wi-Fi: ======================================================================= Applied: All User Profile Profile informa...