Its been a while...

It's been a long time since I last blogged. I've changed jobs and started my own company. Recently, I started gearing up for the SANS GCFA exam as I only have a month left to study until my voucher expires. I took the practice test and scored little better than I thought going off memory so it shouldn't be too bad with the books. Computer forensics has been an interest of mine for a while and recently I've began studying about it more. This got me thinking on an idea that someone mine find useful. I've spent most of my career doing vulnerability analysis, pentesting and other offensive type of IT security and now that I've began looking into the defensive, mainly the incident response and remediation, I thought about writing how to leverage the tools I know for incident response.

Take Nessus for example. There are plenty of plugins that would provide you with useful information that you would need in the event you suspect a system has been compromise. So over the next couple of blogs I'll be posting about different scan policies that would be beneficial to run a possible compromised system. Maybe I'll get my hands dirty and write a plugin or two for the items that I can't find which are forensic analyst need.


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And now for something completely different...

Been awhile hasn't it.

Well I guess it's time to start this back up.