Been awhile hasn't it.

It's been over a year since the last time I posted anything so I'll give a quick update. The whole AFL thing didn't pan out as much as I'd like as I never really made time for it. I did add another child into the world so I got that going for me. As for work, I'm still at Cisco Talos doing the Detection Response Team (DRT) stuff, basically creating rules for Snort and sigs for ClamAV. That's going ok, gets a little mundane at times as I'm a researcher by trade and love looking into different things, especially mobile stuff, but overall I feel it's going well. At least no one has told me otherwise. That's pretty much it for me over the last year so lets start on some new exciting info.

I recently went to TROOPERS for TROOPERS19 and it was awesome. For those that don't know, it is a computer security conference in Heidelberg, Germany that takes place in March time frame. The city of Heidelberg was beautiful and the content of the conference was great. They do 3 different tracks along with training. The tracks are geared towards either attacking, defending or something special. This year the special track was Active Directory security. Too many talks to really get into which one was the best as they were all good. I'd definitely like to go back one day...maybe next year??

Attending the conference reminded me of why I like working in computer security. Specifically why I like being a mentor to students and even why I choose last year to become a trainer at my local CrossFit gym. I love teaching people and interacting with people. So I did what I thought sounded like a good idea and submitted a training to DerbyCon. Don't really have much of what is supposed to be a 2-day course figured out yet besides a rough schedule of things to talk about, but we'll see if I even get accepted. Anyways, just felt like blogging again and I'm kind of excited to see if the training is approved.


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